I am thankful for...

Photo by Cyndy~For more of Cyndy's Photography visit


~Suggested prompt...~I am thankful for...

I am thankful, for I can see the dawning light.

I am thanful, for I can see the colors all around.

I am thankful, for I can walk upto look at the beautiful sunshine.

I am thankful, for I can feel the chilling radiance.

I am thankful, for I can think and express.

I am thankful, for I can hear the birds around gaily singing.

I am thankful... for all that I can do and for all that I cant.

For its all HIS wish for me and hence The BEST!

Today's Writing Prompt: Thank You Note

Today's Writing Prompt: Thank You Note
Write a one-minute thank you note to someone.

Though we dont celebrate this day in any of the Asian countries, somehow I felt like thanking my close ones today and thereby ended writing this blog.


Please check and do give your comments. Anyways, there is this one person whom I have not entirely, but still, left out a bit in my day's blog and so I thought of using ur one minute writer to pen down a fine thank you note to him. He was always there, next to me, right from the time I was born into this world but I never noticed him. it was by the time i was in my 12th grade that i started recognising him. and from then on there was no looking back . he was always there to help me through my exams, to help me get the bus though i reached late, to give me new ideas, to help me experience life.. to teach me all about love, happiness and bliss. that was my spiritual guru and today I want to thank you for all that you did and still doing for me. If not for you I dont know where i would have ended up and as what. Thanks... and love you so much for being there.. and teaching me all the things in life!

Today's Writing Prompt: Transportation

Today's Writing Prompt: Transportation
Describe your primary mode of transportation. Do you wish it was different?

I mainly depend on public transport (buses) nowadays. But till some time back we used to have a motorbike and car at home which my father had to sell off recently, as they both became too old to accompany us anywhere. The motorbike was almost 25 years old. And as a child I used to sit on top of the petrol tank part of it so that it can carry me, my mom and dad together. Even the car was there with us when we needed him the most and had never failed on us at anytime. I do enjoy travelling in buses and trains now. But given a chance, I wish - only if they both had not grown old, just like us humans. Only if their lifetime was Forever!! I would like to have them back even if its not possible for them to carry us anymore. Atleast they can be there... :(

Today's Writing Prompt: Network

Today's Writing Prompt: Network
You're starting a new television network. What is it called, and what kind of programming will you air?

Given a chance to do something like that, I would love to promote on child adoption and funding for children education and other basic needs. There are so many kids out there who are homeless and more importantly love-less in lives and I really dont think there is anything more that we can do, than to help atleast one of them, in this small lifetime.I would also love to broadcast a lot of programmes on child psychology and child raising too because to grow up with the right attitude is as important as food and education for them.